September in ReGiS

Copertina libro parco Silva regisHere it comes September… and here they come our news and events! We are really pleased to welcome you to the monthly events!


Saturday the 21 september 2013

16.30, Villa Ghirlanda Silva – Landscapes’ room

Presentation of the book: “the garden of the Silva Counts in Cinisello Balsamo”

Edited by Laura Sabrina Pelissetti, Historical Documentation Centre and ReGiS president. Attending: Siria Trezzi, the Mayor of Cinisello Balsamo, and the Councillor of Cultural Affairs Andrea Catania.

Speakers: Leonela Scazzosi, Politecnico di Milano and the other authors.

18.00 Villa Ghirlanda Silva

Opening of the exhibition: “the garden of the Silva Counts in Cinisello Balsamo”

Promoted by ReGiS,  Historical Gardens Network

Openings:  from 21/09/13 to o6/10/13

From tuesdays to saturdays: 15.00-19.00

Sundays: 10.00- 12.00 and 15.00 – 19.00

Closed on Mondays.

[youtube_sc url=eNYsJ6KLueA width=580 rel=0]

grazie da regis


Saturday the 28 september 2013

10.30, Villa Ghirlanda Silva

Theatre of paper: “the garden of the Silva Counts in Cinisello Balsamo”

Promoted by ReGiS,  Historical Gardens Network

Curated by Cristina Moretti and Marco Fornari

Reservations required at:

Workshop aimed at children aged 6 to 11 years.

Saturday the 28th September and Sunday the 29th September

regis thanks

Saturday the 28th September

 9.00, 10.45, 12.00, Villa Ghirlanda Silva

The Silva Counts open their House in Cinisello Balsamo

Promoted by ReGiS,  Historical Gardens Network

Curated by Enrico Jacopo Testoni’s Follie d’Artista, with the collaboration of Stefania Parisini’s Streghe e Fate.

Reservations required at:

GUIDED TOURS in period costume. A group of professional actors of the group Follie d’Artista, conducted by Enrico Testoni, will show the history of the house and garden of the counts Silva dressed in period costumes specially created by the tailoring of Cinisello Balsamo Streghe e Fate by Stefania Parisini.

Sunay the 29 september 2013

15.00, 16.30, 18.00, Villa Ghirlanda Silva

The Silva Counts open their House in Cinisello Balsamo

Promoted by ReGiS,  Historical Gardens Network

Curated by Enrico Jacopo Testoni’s Follie d’Artista, with the collaboration of Stefania Parisini’s Streghe e Fate.

Reservations required at:

GUIDED TOURS in period costume. A group of professional actors of the group Follie d’Artista, conducted by Enrico Testoni, will show the history of the house and garden of the counts Silva dressed in period costumes specially created by the tailoring of Cinisello Balsamo Streghe e Fate by Stefania Parisini.

regis iniziative settembre

Useful Documents (italian):

Poster in Italian!!!

Flier in Italian!!!



stemma-comune-di-cinisello-balsamo Comune di Cinisello Balsamo, Centro di Documentazione Storica.


streghe e fateStreghe e Fate

Alfabeti d'arte regisAlfabeti d’arte

follie d'artista regisFollie d’Artista

2017-02-15T14:20:46+01:0023 September 2013|I nostri eventi, Senza categoria, Visite guidate|